RSPB: Give Nature a Home

Posted by Michael Mortimer on 24th Nov 2014

RSPB and Walkers Shortbread

This Autumn why not help give nature a home? We are in partnership with the RSPB to encourage everyone to pull together and do their bit for nature. A recent report ‘The State of Nature’ a collaboration between 25 UK conservation and research organisations, has shown that 60% of the wildlife species studied have declined over the last 50 years.

Want to get involved? It’s easier than you may think! There are many simple practical projects that you can do that will help give nature a home. For example, just making dead wood piles can provide shelter and food for many bugs and fungi species. Even if you don’t have a garden you can still help by simply fitting a nest box to the side of your house, which will provide a home for a swift, a starling or a house martin. To help the RSPB create a million new homes for wildlife visit their website and request your free 'Give Nature a Home' guide here.

If we work together we can help give nature a home!

To do our bit we are donating 10p from every pack sold of our iconic shortbread fingers as well as the famous Christmas Tree Tin, which will go straight to the RSPB to help rejuvenate the Abernethy Forest.